Asset List and Search
The Asset List and Search tabs, accessible in the left pane, are used to identify and locate assets. The Asset List is unique from other module lists in that it displays available records in a hierarchical list with special conventions for selecting and locating records. The Asset List is displayed in the Asset module and other modules where it is available from a lookup tool, such as when selecting an asset to assign to a work order.
Navigate the Asset List
The Asset List is initially collapsed, with only the highest levels of the list shown. As nodes of the list are opened, additional items are displayed hierarchically.
The state of the asset list (which levels are opened or closed) is maintained throughout your session. The controls displayed above the list allow you to search for particular assets or filter the list by repair center.
Each node of the list has the following characteristics:
A button to open or close the node if the node has additional items stored beneath it.
An icon representing the asset (typically the asset classification).
The name of the asset.
The Asset ID in parentheses, unless the asset is a location or rotating asset.
Displayed assets can be stylized, such as being listed in bold or a particular color, to emphasize records that meet specified criteria. For example, all assets that are not in service could be listed in red boldface type.
Navigate the list to locate and select records:
Click the Expand button
next to a node.
The next level of items below that node displays.
Continue to expand levels until you find the record you want.
If you need to collapse a node, click the Collapse button
next to the node.
If you hover your cursor on the asset name, location or hierarchical information are displayed.
Click the record to open it.
The details regarding the selected asset are displayed in the Work Center.
Asset Search
There are several methods you can use to search for assets.
Quick Search
A quick search option is available directly above the asset list. When you enter a value in this field, the asset hierarchy is traversed and all matching assets are highlighted in yellow. If the search results in more records than can be displayed in the list , the Search tab is opens, where the results can be more easily viewed and managed.
Asset Search tab
The Search tab displayed offers functionality unique to the Asset module. Consistent with standard search, you can create a search expression to conduct a quick search for an asset. However, there are important distinctions:
Navigated search results are displayed in a modified hierarchical list.
This version of the list initially displays with only the highest levels of the hierarchy shown. In contrast to the standard list, as you open nodes of the list, you are presented with only one segment of the list at a time, or one horizontal slice. Only one level is displayed, and only the contents of the selected node are shown.
This feature allows you to obtain a clear view of one segment of the list at a time. Controls are available to navigate back up the list.
There is no interaction with a predefined filter, since the hierarchical nature of the Asset List precludes the use of standard filters. However, the search page can work in conjunction with the selection of a list node designated on the Asset List.
The Use Criteria settings option is not supported in the Asset module.
Upon initially accessing the Search tab, the list displays only the highest levels of the hierarchy. As levels of the list are opened, the display changes to only show that particular segment of the list.
There are four important aspects of this display:
The node viewed is listed in a separate area at the top of the results.
No other nodes of the list are displayed; the content of only one particular node is shown.
The displayed expand controls are available to drill down to another level, but the current level will no longer be shown. Only the content of the newly selected node will show.
The Up button above your search results allows you to return to the previous level of the search result hierarchy.
For more information about using search features, see Search Tab.
Asset Search By Specifications
The Asset Search page includes a special feature that allows you to search for assets based on specification values.
Conduct a search based on specification values:
Click the Search tab.
Open the Specification(s) dialog box by:
From the Search By field, select Specification(s).
Click the Display Values link to the right of the field.
The Specifications(s) dialog box opens, allowing you to select the specifications by which to search.
To filter the specification list to those associated with a particular asset classification, select the classification from the Classification field.
For example, to search for specifications associated with elevators, you could select Elevators from the Classification field.
Select the specification you want to search by from the list.
Additional tabs appear on the right side of the dialog box.
For example, to search for elevators with a capacity greater than 5, you could select Capacity.
Select the tab on the right side of the dialog box that matches the type of expression you want to create.
Capacity is a numeric field, so in our example, click the Numeric tab.
A list of values for the specification displays on the right side of the dialog box.
Choose between two options:
Choose a value from the list.
For example, to search for elevators with a capacity greater than 5, click 5.
Enter a value into the expression box.
If you enter a value, click the arrow to have the expression populated.
After selecting or entering a value, an expression for the specification is generated in the Selected Specifications box.
The is equal to operator is populated by default. To change the operator, click operator text until it changes to the operator you want.
You can add as many additional expressions as desired to filter your results.
Remove specification filters, choose between two options:
To remove a single expression, click the Revert arrow to the left of the expression.
To remove all expressions, click the Clear All link above the Selected Specifications box.
Click Apply.
All records matching your specification are displayed below the Search fields.